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 How to reference "no net name" in spacing rules?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
cioma Posted - 08 Jun 2017 : 13:40:41
Is there a way to reference "no net name" (e.g. unconnected pad) in spacing rules ("Match Pair Level")?
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
cioma Posted - 09 Jun 2017 : 11:22:53
Many thanks, Steve. It's great to hear it's fixed in v9.1
steve Posted - 09 Jun 2017 : 11:09:53
That does not work in V9.0, but it has been corrected for release V9.1 which is imminent.

In V9.0 if all the nets have net classes, then changing the second entry 'GND' to be net class rather than net name allows it to work.

Pulsonix Assistance
cioma Posted - 09 Jun 2017 : 10:12:50
Well, it seems that in the latest Pulsonix release matching an empty string works for net classes but not for net names.

I've attached a layout file with an example:

Component C105 has one of its pins not connected and submerged into a template (with net name "GND").

A "Match Pair Level" rule that references a <Net Name>=%# (empty string) vs <Net Name>=GND is defined and pad to copper gap is increased to 0.4 mm.

When appropriate template is filled is uses pad to copper gap from "Design Level" rules (0.1 mm) instead the one defined in "Match Pair Level" rule (0.4 mm)

Download Attachment: pulsonix.pcb.zip
14.05 KB
steve Posted - 08 Jun 2017 : 14:47:02
Next to the 'Match' box when setting rules up, there is a small square Wizard button which offers a variety of conditions including 'does not' and 'empty string', so dependant on how you wish to define a rule and on what type of item, these can be used to provide most cases of match.

Explanations/examples are supplied to assist.

Pulsonix Assistance