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 Pulsonix files preview

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
marco.ruggeri Posted - 07 Oct 2015 : 10:39:38
Is it possible to view a preview of a Pulsonix file (schematic or PCB) in windows?
I mean something like that is possible with word or pdf reader. It would be very useful to browse among design without open them . I see , for exampke, that my collegues that use Solidworks have this very useful features through a dedicated browser
Is this feature planned in future release?
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
steve Posted - 07 Oct 2015 : 11:33:57
Systems like that often have the ability to have an extension associated with a executable to show the file contents within the system, I suggest checking with Arxivar as to if that is possible.

You can of course produce intelligent PDFs from Pulsonix to be stored in your system, thus allowing other users to see the designs using them.

Pulsonix Assistance
marco.ruggeri Posted - 07 Oct 2015 : 11:18:40
Hi Steve,
i can see preview in our document management software Arxivar
steve Posted - 07 Oct 2015 : 11:02:36
What mechanism are you using to see inside Word and PDF files in Windows?

Pulsonix Assistance