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 [Solved] User Report Attributes

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
AdBemt Posted - 14 Mar 2018 : 19:57:02
One of the powerful features of Pulsonix is placing user reports in both schematic and Layout designs.

It is also possible to assign Attributes to this User Report Symbols.

Is there a way to read the attribute value assigned to this User Report Symbol and use it in the report itself?
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
AdBemt Posted - 16 Mar 2018 : 11:13:04
Hi Steve,

This is excacly what I need.

Thank you verry much!
steve Posted - 16 Mar 2018 : 10:43:43
Your provided example has been modified and returned to you. The report will look to see if it is being run using Utilities – Update All User reports and extract the attribute value from themselves then refresh the reports drawn.

If it recognises that the report is going to a text file, it will prompt for the attribute value instead.

Important: After modifying any drawn report format for any report inserted in a design, always remember to Reload the report by selecting the drawn report and use Reload User Report command from the context menu.

Pulsonix Assistance
steve Posted - 15 Mar 2018 : 09:36:52
Could an example design and report be provided to support at support@pulsonix.com, with an explanation on what is wanted to be achieved and why?

Pulsonix Assistance