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 default shape layer nu visible

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Chris Posted - 12 Sep 2018 : 14:14:19
I have a problem with the visibility of the default shape layer. When i want to edit a pad shape i choose for 'Define Pad Shape' in the setup menu. After that i can choose the pad shape i want to edit. After that i only see an origin point. I don't see the pad that should be on the <default shape> layer, because this layer is not visible.
Is there a simple way i can make this layer visible ?

(when i insert something the system prompts: The layer <Default Shape> is not currently visible. Do you want to make it visible ? This is a way i can do it...but it's a bit strange way)
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Chris Posted - 13 Sep 2018 : 13:19:08
Ok thanks
psxforum Posted - 12 Sep 2018 : 16:47:13

you are correct, this is not the expected behaviour, and in fact we already have a fix for this issue lined up to go into the next patch.
