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 Pythonscript - nothhing happens
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45 Posts

Posted - 07 Jul 2023 :  00:21:10  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I've been trying to get Python scripting to work.

At start trying to run a script with .pys extension would produce an error about not being able to find a scripting engine. Fair enough

I've since followed a few tutorials and I think that Python is now correctly installed in Windows as a script engine.

I can run a simple script like
"import os
WScript.Echo("The script name is", WScript.ScriptName)"

and execute it by calling cscript .\test.pys and it works as expected. I think this means Pythonscript has installed successfully since cscript seems to understand python language now.

If I try a simple script like Message("test") nothing happens. I am not getting any error like at the start, but simply nothing happens.

How would I go about debugging this problem? I'm not getting any error, I can't find any log file or error log. Any tips as to how to proceed with this?


United Kingdom
63 Posts

Posted - 07 Jul 2023 :  13:18:14  Show Profile  Reply with Quote

Are you using the latest Pulsonix V12 build 8945?

If you are please email support@pulsonix.com and I can get the latest fixes to you.

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