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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Giovanni Posted - 08 Nov 2020 : 16:13:08
Good morning.
I have a card with a thickness of 1.6mm.
in the 3d viewer the thickness of the card is shown correctly.
in the STEP preview and in the file exported as STEP the thickness does not exist.
Do you know how to correct the thickness represented in the STEP file?

3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
jameshead Posted - 14 Nov 2020 : 22:36:50
If it is helpful, here is my MATERIALS technology file that contains FR-4 materials for cores all from the Slash Dot sheets in IPC-2222 as well as common prepregs.

The layers are set up for a basic multilayer but for a double-sided non-multilayer board use the "FR-4 31 Laminate 8x7628" material for the core between the two Electrical layers for Top and Bottom.

Download Attachment: JH MATERIALS.ptf
49.14 KB
Giovanni Posted - 13 Nov 2020 : 05:13:16
I just add new layer "ISOL" material FR4 1.5 between Top and Bottom layers.

lewism@pulsonix.com Posted - 09 Nov 2020 : 14:48:00
Hi Giovanni,

In your step settings have you set the board thickness set to the same value as the 'board thickness' of the used layers in your Technology file?

If you are still having issues could you send the design over to support@pulsonix.com and I can look further into it for you.
