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 circuithub.com CM does not support Pulsonix
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5 Posts

Posted - 29 May 2018 :  15:18:16  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
https://circuithub.com assembly services promises automated / faster / cheaper services for assembled PCBs via use of native files from Altium, Eagle, or KiCAD (http://docs.circuithub.com/uploading-a-project/what-design-tools-are-supported) and say it is because they need much more than Gerbers and spreadsheet BOMs (see https://circuithub.groovehq.com/knowledge_base/topics/can-i-upload-and-quote-gerber-files).

Through custom use of various Pulsonix output tools, could Pulsonix provide what they need?


United Kingdom
316 Posts

Posted - 29 May 2018 :  15:55:23  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Besides Gerber 274 and NC, you can export X2 which is an advanced, more intelligent form of Gerber. You can output a variety of reports, as well as creating further report formats using Report Maker.

The standard output of ODB++, which is a comprehensive CAD-to-CAM data exchange format, is often used by customers in conjunction with Gerber/NC or on its own, to provide manufacturing houses the data they require.

Other outputs such as GenCAD are also available.

The stack-up can include materials specification. Part and Footprint definition, as well as orientation/side data, along with Testpoint locations. This level of data is supplied by the outputs mentioned.

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